Discover your Hidden Super Powers

Have fun while getting more fit, healthy and  balanced.

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help others discover themselves while having fun

“The art of teaching & facilitation is the art of Assisting Discovery.” 



Magicmind’s wellness gamification platform opens up a whole new world of immersive adventures and fun.  Based on science based wellness gamification research and industry best practices, our system is designed to maximize user engagement and motivation whilst reducing the  maintenance time and effort.  The framework is built on top of a powerful programmable gaming engine that supports 2D,3D, AR, VR on mobile, desktop, smart TVs and gaming consoles.


Our easy to use creator software considerably reduces the time and effort needed to create personalized and gamified wellness experiences, activities and courses.



Magicmind evidence based wellness platform supports a wide variety of biofeedback sensors to monitor your daily progress.  We offer support for Apple watches, Fitbit watches, a variety of HRV sensors and Oxygen sensors.


Each Magicmind member is assigned a personal AI wellness assistant to help monitor and recalibrate the user’s daily wellness plan.  The AI assistant helps you to better serve more people, reduce one-to-one time allowing you to focus on doing what you are best at.


We offer a complete turnkey marketing solution for you to easily promote your offerings worldwide. From your our own customizable website to advanced marketing tools allowing you to easily create, manage and publish promotional content to various email and social media channels.

magic wellness tools

“Get the very best tools to serve you, not just lots of tools. ”  

Activity Scheduler

 Activity scheduler is a central place where all wellness activities from your curated journeys are organized into daily gamified actions (quests and powerups).  

Activity Dashboard

A window into the progress of your wellness activities.  A convenient hub showing historical results and providing deeper insights to help you achieve your wellness goals more effectively.


“immersive wellness made fun”

Experiences and activities are crafted by expert teachers and built on top of a powerful gaming and AI engine ensuring success of your wellness goals.

magicmind unlocks next-generation wellness 

Innovative, evidence-based interactive experiences
make wellness fun and engaging. 

By combining the power of our Gamified Wellness AI with the proven benefits of exercise, we are able to provide an innovative and effective solution to the growing problem of sedentary lifestyles. Our technology is not just a game, but a tool that can help people lead healthier and happier lives.


gamified wellness ai 

 Our unique gamified wellness AI system is a game-changing technology that creates an unparalleled gaming experience that not only entertains but also motivates players to engage in real-world exercises. With our advanced algorithms and cutting-edge technology, we are able to generate interactive 3D game play that is completely unique and personalized to each individual player.

Personalized Stories

Our AI’s ability to create branching dialogues and personalized stories means that players can fully immerse themselves in the game, becoming emotionally invested in their character and the world they are exploring. This emotional connection drives players to push themselves further, encouraging them to engage in real-world exercises and improve their physical health.

curated journeys

No more random video and audio courses.  Our next-generation personalized wellness platform provide more meaningful experiences that is uniquely calibrated to you.


Our evidence based wellness platform supports a wide variety of biofeedback sensors to monitor your daily progress.  

wellness assistants

Advanced AI assistants is with you on your wellness journey  helping you to be at your best with  more meaningful customized wellness plans.

game engine

Our wellness gamification platform opens up a whole new world of immersive adventures and fun.  Built on a powerful  graphics gaming engine that supports 2D, 3D, AR & VR experiences. 



“You don’t have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great.” 

~ Horace Ziglar

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