Your Path to Next-Generation Precision Wellness.


Step into the future with a transformative wellness platform that merges Gamification, Biofeedback, and AI.

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MagicMind is a personalized wellness platform for seekers,
healers, yogis and conscious creators
to connect, play and transform.

Existing meditation apps
are great





much deeper 


how are we unique?

Existing meditation apps and platforms are great but barely scratching at the surface of the potential of the future of wellness.

Magicmind’s next generation curated wellness platform supports science based practice with biofeedback and artificial intelligence to deliver maximum benefits for students and unique opportunities for teachers.

users &

Discover a New Path to Wellness

For both users and participants alike, the journey towards physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being should be an enjoyable adventure – one that’s not only engaging and personalized but also yields tangible results.

Elevate Your Wellness Journey: Infuse your wellness goals with excitement and maintain unyielding motivation. Immerse yourself in personalized gamified experiences and activities, meticulously crafted by expert teachers and facilitators.

Track, Adjust, Excel: Watch your progress flourish as biofeedback sensors meticulously monitor your growth. With daily adjustments to your personalized wellness plan, your journey is fine-tuned for the optimal outcome.

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Teachers &

Empowering Educators & Guides

Unlock the potential to offer profound, personalized wellness journeys to a wider audience. Say goodbye to time-consuming participant management. Create captivating and impactful content that truly connects.

Introducing our revolutionary wellness AI assistant: Meet our expert wellness AI assistant, a constant companion in users’ transformation that monitors progress, offers essential insights, and tailors daily plans to ensure consistent growth and success.

Join us as we revolutionize personalized wellness experiences, allowing educators and teachers to reach more people with greater impact. Step into a world where technology seamlessly amplifies human potential.

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“immersive wellness made fun”

ensuring success of your wellness goals.

magicmind unlocks next-generation wellness 

By combining the power of our Gamified Wellness AI with the proven benefits of exercise, we are able to provide an innovative and effective solution to the growing problem of sedentary lifestyles. Our technology is not just a game, but a tool that can help people lead healthier and happier lives.



 Our unique gamified wellness AI system is a game-changing technology that creates an unparalleled gaming experience that not only entertains but also motivates players to engage in real-world exercises. With our advanced algorithms and cutting-edge technology, we are able to generate interactive 3D game play that is completely unique and personalized to each individual player.

Personalized STORIES

Our AI’s ability to create branching dialogues and personalized stories means that players can fully immerse themselves in the game, becoming emotionally invested in their character and the world they are exploring. This emotional connection drives players to push themselves further, encouraging them to engage in real-world exercises and improve their physical health.

curated journeys

No more random video and audio courses.  Our next-generation personalized wellness platform provide more meaningful experiences that is uniquely calibrated to you.


Our evidence based wellness platform supports a wide variety of biofeedback sensors to monitor your daily progress.  

wellness assistants

Advanced AI assistants is with you on your wellness journey  helping you to be at your best with  more meaningful customized wellness plans.

game engine

Our wellness gamification platform opens up a whole new world of immersive adventures and fun.  Built on a powerful  graphics gaming engine that supports 2D, 3D, AR & VR experiences. 

benefits to humanity & ecology



“You don’t have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great.” 

~ Horace Ziglar

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